Tell people all about it

It's your energy story

Energy environments vary enormously between people, organisations, and places. Things like the amount of energy used or generated, when energy is used or generated, what energy is used for, and the equipment delivering energy are unique. Seeing your energy visualised via SolarNetwork will help you develop a strategy for saving money and lowering your carbon footprint over time. Sharing your efforts and outcomes with others is an excellent way to then help others learn from your energy story.

We can help you

SolarNetwork Foundation can help you design a custom dashboard, mobile app, or learning tool to convey the benefits of your energy policy to the world. We can also help you integrate real-time data and interactive visualizations into your own website or app.


Sharing your energy story is a great way to proudly demonstrate your sustainability credentials to the rest of the world. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and put yourself out there!

Energy dashboard